The Czech Battery Cluster Was Officially Registered              

On 14 June 2022, the Czech Battery Cluster (hereinafter referred to as „CBC“) was officially registered in the Public Register under file number L 28361, kept at the Regional Court in Brno.  The registration of the CBC was preceded by a meeting of its constituents on 17 May 2022, which approved the Statutes of the CBC and a three-member Board consisting of:

– Assoc. Ing. Tomáš Kazda, Ph.D. (Chairman – FEKT BUT Brno)

– Viliam Blumtritt (Member of the Board – Kovohutě Příbram)

– Mgr. Jan Vejbor (Member of the Board – EVC Hulín)

The composition of the CBC Board represents the connection between the academic and corporate spheres in the field of R&D, production and recycling of batteries.

The purpose of the association is to create a coherent grouping of companies, universities and other institutions, as well as individuals, covering the widest possible part of the value chain linked to modern batteries, from materials extraction to recycling, to support the development of new technologies related to batteries and related technologies, to search for new talents in the form of support for start-ups and spin-off companies, to strive for the development of methods for the use or disposal of batteries, to create conditions and support competitiveness for sustainable development and to help in the implementation of the goals set by the Green Deal.

CBC Board, from left to right: Viliam Blumtritt, Tomáš Kazda, Jan Vejbor