Czech Battery Cluster Was Established with the Goal of Developing Technologies in the Areas of Battery Research and Production

BRNO – Battery production is a key area for the future transition to a zero-emission economy and the related development of electromobility and the use of renewable energy sources. Especially for the Czech economy, where the automotive industry is traditionally strongly represented, the topic of developing electromobility and reducing the energy intensity of the economy is crucial. In response to the need to support battery development and production, the Czech Battery Cluster was established in June this year. It brings together representatives of companies, universities and institutions in areas linked to the value chain associated with battery production, i.e. from the extraction of materials through battery production and applications to battery recycling. The cluster’s main objective is to develop new technologies and cooperation in the different areas of battery production and application

„The Czech Republic lacks an equivalent of the European Battery Alliance, which would deal with research, development and practical application of batteries. Companies had nowhere to turn, whether it was to communicate or to reach out to experts and talents in these areas,“ says Tomáš Kazda from the Department of Department of Electrical and Electronic Technology, who initiated the initial negotiations about the need to establish the cluster. At the beginning of 2020, cooperation began with the CzechInvest agency, which focuses on clusters as part of the project „Systemic support for the implementation and management of the National RIS3“. After the initial meetings, a value chain analysis was conducted and a survey of needs on the part of companies and universities was conducted, on the basis of which several meetings facilitated by CzechInvest were organised. The rationale for the establishment of the Czech Battery Cluster emerged from this process. „We have conducted several in-depth investigations, from which a clear potential for the creation of a battery cluster emerged.  The Battery Cluster is a combination of the private, scientific research and state sectors and CzechInvest would like to continue to support the cluster, using its unique know-how to promote innovative entrepreneurship, attract foreign direct investment and work with talent. We see huge potential for overlapping activities of all actors. “ said Filip Krůta, cluster specialist from the CzechInvest agency.

Based on the needs assessment of individual representatives, the cluster itself was established by three entities – Brno University of Technology as a representative of universities, EVC Group s.r.o. as a representative of SMEs and Kovohutě Příbram nástupnická, a. s. as a representative of large companies. By linking the entire ecosystem in a cluster initiative, a unified representative of the battery industry in the Czech Republic was created, which increases the competitiveness of its members and accelerates technical education for the 21st century with a focus on talent development, while also helping to cooperate with European companies, universities and European initiatives such as the European Battery Alliance or the European Partnership for Batteries. One of the cluster’s initial activities was to map the current state of the art in manufacturing, R&D and the needs of the different stakeholders approached, from small/medium sized companies, large companies, start-ups and universities. „The information from the companies shows that the Czech Republic has an opportunity to connect the different parts of the battery production chain and, through its development, prepare the Czech Republic for the transition to modern energy and transport. The companies most often declared that they are mainly interested in information exchange and networking, support for joint development and technology transfer, and support for obtaining funding for projects,“ says Tomáš Kazda, who continued: „We are currently approaching representatives of companies that the cluster could help in their activities. We are honored to be able to include on behalf of the regular members who have supported the CBC from the beginning:  ABB s.r.o., Škoda Electric a.s, utility vehicle manufacturer Zebra Group s.r.o., energy solutions manufacturer Agile Europe, technology start up Pinflow Energy Storage and for the research and education sector : Ceitec – Central European Institute of Technology, Centre for Organic Chemistry, University of Pardubice (UPCE) and University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (ZČU).“

SUMMARY: The Czech Battery Cluster, founded on 14 June 2022 in Brno, is the first interest group of this type in the Czech Republic, connecting the public, academic and private spheres in the field of research, development and awareness of the overall battery value chain. The aim of the cluster is to create a functional interest cooperation of all the above-mentioned types of parties, with the aim of promoting their active communication and thus assisting the development of the battery industry in the Czech Republic and their cooperation with foreign countries. Among the founding members of the CBC are key players in the Czech market in the field of research, production and recycling of batteries.

Contact to Czech Battery Cluster:

In Brno on 19.12.2022

The founding members and the first members on the date of the official announcement of the cluster are:


  • Brno University of Technology – post of Chairman – Assoc. prof. Tomáš Kazda
  • Kovohutě Příbram nástupnická – post of Vice-Chairman – Viliam Blumtritt
  • EVC Group – post of Vice-Chairman – Jan Vejbor

Members (alphabetically):

  • ABB Česká republika
  • Agile Europe
  • Ceitec – Středoevropský technologický institut
  • Centrum organické chemie
  • Pinflow Energy Storage
  • Univerzita Pardubice (UPCE)
  • Západočeská univerzita v Plzni (ZČU)

Ceremonial signing of the founding documents of the Czech Battery Cluster, from left Viliam Blumtritt (Kovohutě Příbram nástupnická), Assoc. prof. Tomáš Kazda (Brno University of Technology) and Jan Vejbor (EVC Group).