On 13 April 2023, representatives of the Czech Battery Cluster, z.s. attended the seminar „Battery Value Chain as an Opportunity“, organized by the state agency CzechInvest in cooperation with the University of Pardubice.
In the introductory part of the seminar, the Chairman of the CBC Tomáš Kazda presented the individual parts of the value chain linked to battery production. Subsequently, representatives of universities and companies (VŠCHT Praha, University of Pardubice, EVC Group, Kovohutě Příbram nástupnická) presented their activities within the individual parts of the value chain.
The next part of the programme focused on Technology Incubation, which was presented by Filip Krůta on behalf of CzechInvest.
The seminar was concluded by representatives of the consulting company Ernst and Young, who spoke about the possibilities for the development of electromobility and the acceptance of this technology at the user level.